Have you been struggling to get pregnant?
- Do your friends and family keep asking if you are ever going to have a baby?
- Do you feel like your on an emotional roller coaster when your period starts month after month?
- Let me help you overcome your fertility challenges with these my proven tricks, tips and techniques.
- Natural, safe and affordable this fast track fertility program could help you to increase your chances of conceiving the baby of your dreams
- Proven success at helping women to get pregnant when they had almost given up hope.
Its time to make a commitment to yourself, put the past behind you and look towards a much brighter future.
Follow the fertility advice in this course and watch your fertility soar !
Introducing Myself
Over the past 25 years, through my own life experience and self education I have helped over five thousand couples conceive they baby of their dreams, many after 8 years of trying and many others after spending months (and thousands of dollars) on IVF cycles. I am not a medical doctor, nor do I have a science degree what I do have and can offer is wisdom passed down from my grandfather, insights found in 25 years worth of reading books, scientific journals and the knowledge and experience gained through overcoming my own hormonal challenges and pregnancies and the births of my own children.
I have been blessed with 4 incredible children they are the greatest loves of my life, I wish every woman that same wonder, delight and unconditional love that being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a mother was for me.
The Optimum Fertility Course
With easy to follow step by step guides, videos and printable checklists for each module, this course aims to educate and arm you with some new natural techniques that may be the missing piece to your fertility puzzle.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
I have included some amazing bonuses to support these Modules
Based on the groundbreaking research by Dr Bruce Lipton, stem cell biologist and epigenetics pioneer, author of bestselling book the Biology of Belief. I have created for you some unique binaural beats alpha and theta brainwave audio files with subconscious reprogramming suggestions that will help you to change your subsonscious beliefs regarding your own fertility levels/ beliefs about food and diet/ fears and self-worth.
Our subconscious mind is imprinted with habits and automatic (often unconscious) reactions during the first seven years of life, which can significantly impact our daily lives without us being aware or having control over them.
Negative self-talk, self-sabotage, fear, and procrastination are examples of behaviors that can stem from limiting self-beliefs, often rooted in early emotional trauma or events.
Such negative beliefs can persist throughout life, bringing about situations that reinforce those beliefs, such as feeling unworthy, incapable, or undeserving of happiness or success.
You may run a program that says: I am not good enough. I dont deserve this. Getting pregnant is really hard or I am not worthy
While it’s not necessary to re-live the negative emotions or recall the traumatic events that triggered them, it’s crucial to transform the negative beliefs into positive ones that align with our aspirations and dreams, such as having a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.
By changing our thoughts and emotions on a particular subject, we can alter the chemistry and hormones produced by the brain, which then flow through our cardiovascular system and create new stem cells.
Rewiring our brains can change our habitual thought patterns and shift the predominant hormones and chemicals produced by our brains, leading to positive changes in our lives.
Bonus #1 Reprogram your subconscious limiting beliefs about fertility audio
Bonus #2 Reprogram your subconscious limiting beliefs about diet audio
Bonus #3 Fertiliy transformation audio
Bonus #4 Guided visualization for Fertility
Bonus #5 30 minute Fertilty Yoga Video
Bonus #6 Breathing techniques for relaxation to calm the central nervous system
Imagine being able to hold your little one in your arms sooner than you thought possible. How much would you pay for that priceless moment? This valuable information is priced affordably, so that it can be accessible to more women who are looking to enhance their fertility. My greatest reward would be hearing from you that you have successfully conceived and welcomed a new life into this world. I am committed to supporting you throughout your journey towards motherhood, and I believe that this information can make a positive difference in your life. Don’t let this opportunity slip away – invest in yourself and take the first step towards realizing your dream of having a baby.
You owe it to yourself to give yourself the best possible chance at success, and this advice could be the first step towards achieving your goals.
So take a step forward today and give yourself the gift of this valuable advice.
Get started today – you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain …